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I’m constantly amazed by how many things nobody ever thought the people we support could do. CLO doesn’t limit the people we support or force them to keep their thinking in a box. –support staff member

Supported Living through CLO has given Aaron a chance to live on his own, away from his parents, but in a way that his parents could feel comfortable with.
—Aaron’s father

We’ve had a number of people who have worked with Michael for a long time. I think that’s due in part to the attention CLO pays to screening and matching.

I never had thought that Supported Living would work for my son. I thought he was too disabled. I couldn’t be happier with the way it has worked out for him.

I like CLO’s philosophy about informed choices. CLO acknowledges the complexity of making choices, and no person’s planning should be based on light-weight thinking.
—a mother

When I talk about CLO, the word ‘individual’ keeps coming up; the focus is on my daughter as an individual. With Supported Living, my daughter’s orientation to life in her community is very confident. She knows that she belongs. She wants to contribute.  —Bonnie

I like the people who help me, I like my house, I like to go horseback riding — E.P.

Learning To live independently –N.D.

I like living on my own , I love my apartment and my cat —A.T.

I like living on my own and playing games with staff. — A.R.

I love to live alone, because it makes me feel in control of my life. —A.N.

CLO is fun, I like them because they are nice to me. — A.T.

My home, my life — D.S.

CLO sends the best people to support me. They have become part of my family. — M.B.

It’s expanded my ability to be part of my community at large. — J.A.

I feel better on my own. — M.M.

I feel better on my own. — M.M.

I like living on my own and love that I have support when needed.  —J.H.

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